May 17, 2011

6 weeks to go

As the weeks pass by I am overcome with anxiousness, excitement, nervousness, crankiness, insomnia (hence the 3 am post) and pure joy.  The baby girl in my belly is growing so fast and moving so much I wonder if my other organs don't like the new neighbor.  Some days it feels like she is using my bladder as a punching bag.  I also can't help but wonder how our family unit and dynamics will be changed forever in a few weeks.  Oliver will no longer be the sole consumer of our attention.  How will that make him feel?  Will he resent her?  Or will he enjoy sharing the limelight with another little person?   Most likely a little bit of both.  Will Anthony and I have any time left in the day for each other or to brush our own teeth? And will we have enough sense to know which is more important? 

My body is preparing me for sleepless nights now, which means I am up for a good 2 hours most nights for no apparent reason, except to get on the laptop and peruse the interweb. It is the only time I get the house to myself, so I should probably just enjoy the quiet and solitude.  But come on?  This has got to be the cruelest joke ever.  In a little over a month, I will be woken up at ungodly hours by a crying baby who will want only me and what my body will be creating for her.  Why now?  Why can't I have 8 hour of uninterrupted slumber now when I can?  Only a man could have designed this preparation method.  Only some one who can't physically provide the nourishment babies need to live.  Only some one who can enjoy uninterrupted slumber ALL the time.   I can sound bitter when I'm up at 3am.  I should go back to bed now.

1 comment:

Angie said...


I know how you feel. I had sleepless nights at the end, especially with Vivi. It's so unfair.

You will have time to brush your teeth. Adding another seems daunting at first. I remember worrying about it. But you don't need to worry. The second kid will just work her way into your routine, and you'll find yourself wondering what you ever did without her.

And personally, I think having 2 is easier than 1. They enterain each other. Sure they fight too, but it's worth it.

