August 31, 2009

Week at Auntie Angela's

Oliver spent a week at Auntie Angela's house while I went kayaking with some girlfriends. Thank you Angela:) He got to play on the trampoline, the swing set, play with cousin Olie and eat yummy food. He also got some great time with cousins Molly and Maggie. Needless to say he was spoiled with lots of love and attention. We may have to make this an annual thing!!

Swinging with Maggie

Olie and Oliver chatting about life
Oliver LOVES the trampoline! He tries to bounce on our bed and it just isn't the same.

More noodles and a bath please

Sleepy with Molly

Kisses for Maggie

Love you Grandpa Mark!

A video of Oliver's animal sounds

August 13, 2009

The summer life of Oliver

Checking out the neighbor's landscaping for ideas.

First trip to Dairy Queen
He's ready for you Grandpa Fred!

Waiting for our turn in the pool and swimming lessons

Oliver was intently watching two older boys play catch; wishing, wanting, hoping.

Peering out of the fort that we built - he really likes the headlamp.

Who likes cheese with their PB & J?

Time to mow the grass dad.