May 12, 2009

Grandma's visit

Mother's Day

Riding in the gondola over the Spokane River falls

Swinging in the park by our house...Oliver could do this for HOURS!

The Incredible Shrinking Oliver and mom

Grandma and Oliver feeding the trash eating goat

May 5, 2009

Oregon Coast

We spent the weekend on the Oregon Coast with friends and then stopped in Portland and Multnomah Falls on our way home. Oliver loved running on the beach once he got used to the sand. He's a little unsure of the ocean, which I guess is a good thing as powerful as it is. He chased sea gulls, which he calls ducks, and ate a lot of sand. We had c r a z y weather as only the Oregon Coast can in spring. Oliver powered through rain, strong winds, sun and some one even saw some snow. We miss the coast already!

Chris, Sophia and Nate Serwold with Oliver

Ruby Rippetoe and Sophia Serwold gardening with Kelly