March 26, 2011

14 more weeks

The theme of my existence recently has been "How can I get any bigger?". Not only are people telling me how big my belly is, again does any one have manners anymore, but I also feel as if my skin is going to pop right open on the keyboard. I honestly don't remember feeling like this with Oliver. Maybe then it was novel and it felt great to get big. I couldn't wait to have a giant basketball on my bladder when I was pregnant with Oliver. But this time is different. First of all I moan and grunt way to much. Anth can attest to that. Secondly, I have named the body pillow Sven. He is my first boyfriend after marriage. I love him so and can't sleep without him. Thirdly, I no longer pick things up off the floor. The other day at work some one dropped their keys as I walked by them. I looked down at the keys, looked up at my co-worker and gave my best "sorry, can't help ya" look and kept on walking. Oliver has really become my biggest ally. He is the perfect age to be a good helper. He fetches like the best dogs on earth and is getting even better at getting things for himself. And I can't thank my husband enough for taking on almost every chore in the house. I'm very lucky to have such wonderful men in my life. Now if only they could carry the baby for a while today and tonight so I can sleep through an entire night without having to pee or turn over 20 times. But would I still get to keep Sven?

March 18, 2011

And many more...

beautiful faces......

These photos were taken after Oliver's last haircut a week ago. Ashley, his stylist (!), always gives him the Justin Bieber no matter what I ask for. And yes, there is smelly product in his hair. It hasn't looked like this since.

March 6, 2011

23 weeks

Baby girl is now 23 weeks old and kicking all the time. She is an active one! This week some one at work told me that she thought I was much farther along than this. Thanks for calling me huge, thank you very much. Did you leave your manners at home this morning?

And I started to grow my hair long as soon as we found out we were pregnant. So my hair is also 23 weeks along and on this particular day it is also as a big as my belly. Damn curly hair. I wonder if my curse will be passed on to baby girl? Or will she be bald like her dad?

We can't wait to see her.

The many faces of Oliver

I love to capture Oliver when he is lying on the floor and I ask him to show me angry, happy, silly, serious faces. I have done this at least once a year since he was born. They will be fun to look back on as he gets older. I love all of his faces!

March 5, 2011


Oliver and I were comparing bellies the other night and although he no longer thinks he has a baby growing in his belly, he likes to say that his belly is big too. At 23 weeks, I beg to differ! But the sweet boy enjoys singing to his baby sister and giving her kisses. We're all pretty anxious to meet her and see how she fits in to this family. She is in for a treat!!!