Our garden is loving the sunshine and hot weather. We're learning what grows well here and what does not. Oliver is also learning what is o.k. to pick and what is not. He gets very enthusiastic when it comes to watering the plants and
too enthusiastic when it comes to harvesting. Gardening is a lesson in patience, not unlike parenting. Oliver is most excited about our pumpkin, which is getting large! It'll make a perfect jack-o-lantern this fall.

Basil, peppers and herbs

It gets bigger every day! I thought we might enter this in the contest at the local nursery until I saw the granddaddy of all pumpkins on a run recently. I'll just let Oliver believe that ours is the biggest one ever!

Grass really does grow in the desert - if you water it like a golf course.

One of my favorite things about summer - fresh tomatoes!
1 comment:
Yeah! Fresh tomatoes! I bet it is super sweet to have a watering pal.
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