We've started a garden this year in our backyard. Anthony built 3 beds that we plan to fill with yummy vegetables for us to eat this summer. Oliver loves to eat fruit, but like most kids has a brick wall resistance to vegetables. He will try them if we beg. Here is how it usually goes down; he takes a bite, makes a face and spits it out. At least he tries them, right? My hope is that if he is involved with planting, watering and harvesting the vegetables he'll take some ownership and want to eat them. I'm sure I'm being overzealous and naive about how a 2 year old thinks, but I'm going to try anyway. That is what I'm asking him to do. Try.
Our friends Kelly and Stefan gave us some lettuce starts from their garden in Portland. Oliver loved getting his hands dirty and digging holes for the lettuce. Hopefully the plants will stay in the dirt long enough to produce something. We have plans to do some more planting this weekend.

1 comment:
Yeah Oliver! Those look like good holes. Post more garden pictures Lisa!!!
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