Oliver turned 18 months last week. Its amazing how time has flown by so fast in just a year and a half. I look at him and I don't see a baby anymore. I see a little boy, a little man, a little Anthony. It blows me away and makes me giddy inside too. Now that he is walking, I mean running, our world is much different. What I used to depend on for exercise is no longer a good hour walk, its a snail's pace crawl along side Oliver. He LOVES to be outside! We can't keep him out of the neighbor's yards though. He'll walk right up to their front door and bang on it if I don't stop him. He's also fond of throwing rocks into their garden beds. We're quickly becoming the annoying neighbors. Life with a toddler, its never dull.
Oh my gosh he is so much fun to watch! I love that you post these videos. Hopefully Olie will start walking soon too so @ the wedding they can run free together!
What a sweet little boy. We so enjoy watching him grow! Go Oliver go!!!
Oh my gosh he is so much fun to watch! I love that you post these videos. Hopefully Olie will start walking soon too so @ the wedding they can run free together!
It looks like Oliver walks a little like his Uncle Kristjan. And, according to Uncle Hans it is just the way his dad, Arne walked.
His feet definitely turn out, especially the right one. Hasn't slowed Oliver or Uncle Kristjan down though!
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