Yesterday we went snowshoeing at Mt. Spokane, which is about 45 minutes from our house. It was a beautiful day and the snow is perfect up there. So instead of cursing the black snow berms around town that won't EVER melt, we actually appreciated the fluffy winter white stuff! Oliver loved it. He chatted the whole time and only complained if we stopped moving. He kept staring at our feet and the big shoes we had on. Carrying an extra 25 pounds on your back is a lot of work in the snow. Next time, he's carrying me! That is if he'll ever start walking. Hey, maybe he's on to something here.

Here's what Oliver chatter sounds like.
You know, he could be telling us the secrets of the universe. Too bad he's going to learn English eventually and lose it all!
The Vaughn Family may be on to something there! When OO begins to speak in sentences be sure to ask him about these secrets.
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