If red is good then why not a rainbow of colors?

Getting a ride from Riley
Maggie and Riley making pigs in a blanket at Gretchen's
Maggie, the baby whisperer

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with our family on the west side of WA. We had beautiful weather for part of the trip. Sunshine on Thanksgiving in the Pacific NW is almost unheard of. Oliver had a blast playing with his cousins. This year he was able to eat most of the food that we did. And he LOVED it. He inherited a healthy appetite from both of us. He'll hate us later for it when he's older and his metabolism has slowed down. But for now he's constantly burning calories growing and learning to walk. He hasn't quite mastered steps on his own, but he loves to practice while holding our hands. He also discovered stairs on this trip. He was drawn to them everywhere we went. This year we're most thankful that we live in a one story house.
1st pic-> stick with red, Oliver, no matter what your Mother does to you;
2nd pic->is that Jack Mc?
3rd pic->what is a "pig in a blanket"?
4th pic->though Maggie was a point guard!
5th pic->have the same sunset in Illinois over cornfields
6th pic->who's more serious, OO or AO?
7th pic->careful with the old comments but great smile Lisa
All pics-> loved'em
Corrections on previous Comment
4th pic->thoughT Maggie was a point guard!
7th pic-> "old"
I love the pictures and comments! Thanksgiving was great with all of our family together. We are blessed! I am thankful for you!
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