We got over 2 ft of snow today. Spokane is completely shut down. The malls are even closed.
December 18, 2008
Xmas came early at the Ochs house
December 15, 2008
Bear crawl
Oliver isn't walking yet, but he's making strides to get there. He just started doing this bear crawl which I think is both hilarious and a sign that he'll be walking before we know it.
December 13, 2008
Jingle Bell 5K

It's starting to feel like winter in Spokane, we got snow last night and more to come tomorrow. Our high temperature today was 10 degrees!
December 5, 2008
December 1, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

If red is good then why not a rainbow of colors?

Getting a ride from Riley
Maggie and Riley making pigs in a blanket at Gretchen's
Maggie, the baby whisperer

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with our family on the west side of WA. We had beautiful weather for part of the trip. Sunshine on Thanksgiving in the Pacific NW is almost unheard of. Oliver had a blast playing with his cousins. This year he was able to eat most of the food that we did. And he LOVED it. He inherited a healthy appetite from both of us. He'll hate us later for it when he's older and his metabolism has slowed down. But for now he's constantly burning calories growing and learning to walk. He hasn't quite mastered steps on his own, but he loves to practice while holding our hands. He also discovered stairs on this trip. He was drawn to them everywhere we went. This year we're most thankful that we live in a one story house.
Organizing his dresser
Oliver loves to take all of his clothes out of his dresser. And he is very proud of his work. I'll be proud when he puts them all back in the drawers when he is done.
November 13, 2008
November 7, 2008
Ready for college
Yesterday Anthony was sworn into the Washington Bar Association. Oliver and I went to show our support. One of us was a little too supportive to sit quietly in a room with 12 judges. So he crawled the halls of the GU Law Building and flirted with pretty young students in the lounge instead. Congratulations Dad!!!
Doesn't Oliver look collegiate in his sport coat? It even has faux suede elbow patches.
Doesn't Oliver look collegiate in his sport coat? It even has faux suede elbow patches.
November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween

Oliver and I got dressed up yesterday to hand out candy to the trick or treaters. He was a scarecrow and I was some kind of cat ballerina - whatever I had in my closet. It was a good time. Oliver was a lot more tolerant of the fake straw that I made than I thought he would be. Later it served as a bib while he ate dinner. I'm all about practicality.
October 19, 2008
October 15, 2008
Dad's home
Anth is home from his moose hunting trip in Cananda sans any dead critters. We're a bit disappointed, but we decided to let him into the house anyway because he passed the bar exam! Oliver and I missed him alot and we're glad he's home. Oliver missed being thrown around and tickled and I missed some one else changing diapers.
October 13, 2008
1st Birthday
Oliver is now the big ONE! Amazing how time flew by this year. We had a small but lively gathering for his party yesterday. Grandpa Fred, Kelly C, Cori and Tobin had cake and ice cream with us. I made everyone wear a wig or a mask - it's almost Halloween! Oliver was hesitant with the cake at first, but got really messy once he realized there weren't green beans hidden inside. He loved the balloons and opening presents! Sometimes more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual present. We're both hoping that Anth brings home a big moose from British Columbia, now that would be a present!
Happy Birthday Oliver!

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