I have just coined our vacation "Whirlwind Week in Washington". I will forever now refer to it as 'WWW'. I feel incredibly lucky to live in such a beautiful and diverse area of the country. This past week we started off in the desert, then camped at the base of a mountain and literally lived on a lake for 4 days. The clothes we packed alone are telling of the different climates we experienced. These are all things that Anth and I have been doing for years together. But now we get to share them with our son. Its a beautiful thing to watch your son hold a fishing pole for the first time, roast marshmallows by the campfire and go for long hikes in the woods. He is already a true outdoorsman. Next up: peeing outside.

Oliver and Sophia boating on Ross Lake.

Trying to net some fish.

Papa Fred, Karen and Oliver heading into Ross Lake

Our son is a tree hugger.

The White River gets another rock from Oliver.

Can a two year old look more relaxed than this without being asleep?

Roasted marshmallows on a campfire - finger lickin' good

Poolside with Leslie