We had to get out of Richland this weekend, ok it was really me who had to get out. Been feeling a little house bound and cooped up lately. Is winter almost over? We celebrated Mardi Gras AND Valentine's Day with our friends and a lot of kids. Beads were thrown, but not for the reasons that you're thinking, and we ate Cajun food. Kelly even made a Kings Cake with plastic babies baked in it that we tried to find. This tradition was new to me and a little odd, but as you probably know I like odd. We also had a cookie decorating party for the kids, which was messy, fun and hilarious. We met our friends' new baby girl, Ione, who is just two weeks old. So sweet. Children and babies were every where! When did this happen?
The weather was pretty cooperative and the sun showed her face on Sunday. Spring is on its way, I know it, or at least I'm hopeful and optimistic. I for one could use some more Vitamin D.

Oliver and Olivia LeClerc, they're buddies

Oliver is ready for spring planting too!

Ruby Crawford Rippetoe

Cookie decorating for Valentine's Day with Oscar, Nathaniel, Ruby and Oliver
Note: the beer on the kid's table did not belong to one of the children.
Put the phone down, CPS does not need to be notified. 
Cindy Jones and Ione (2 weeks) with Tom Rippetoe and Henry (4 mos)