Oliver and I went to Illinois for a visit last week. We packed it ALL in, even a trip to St. Louis to see some friends from college and go to the zoo! This was Oliver's last plane ride as a "free infant" - thank god. He's way to big for my lap anymore. We celebrated his 2nd birthday early and twice on this journey. I sure hope he doesn't get used to that. He got to see cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa and even great-grandma. On our way home we saw lots of friends in Portland and cheered on the marathoners. Oliver waved sticks at them as they ran by us.
We had a great time and miss every one already!
But we're happy to be home with daddy again too.

Oliver and Ruby cheering on the Portland Marathoners

The Harvest Festival in Illinois with Cousin Alek

Cousin Alek

Oliver LOVES farm animals

Playing catch with Great-grandma Hazel

Chatting about running shoes with grandpa

Pensively watching the tigers pace

Oliver and Vivian looking at the giraffes at the St. Louis zoo

Woa, cool animals

Oliver and Vivian watching the hippos swim