I usually don't take the time to write about what Oliver is up to these days, I only post pictures and videos. That is really what people want though, right? The fun stuff. But today I thought I would share all the things that Oliver does with his time. One of the big things that we keep waiting for is for him to take his first steps. It hasn't happened yet. He's almost 15 months and still not a step. The experts say that this is normal. Especially for a baby who could grow up to be a professional athlete. Look it up. Most great athletes were late walkers. Anyway, Oliver gets where he wants to go on all fours and he seems satisfied with that. The other milestone that we're expecting any day is his first word. So far we get A LOT of gibberish and pointing. He definitely understands us and the words milk, no, and bedtime. Important things in life when you're one. With the winter we've had his first word will probably be 'snow' or 'ice'.
Oliver makes us laugh many times a day. He is hilarious and he is starting to use it to his advantage. He plays cute when's done something bad. He makes the best facial expressions and has the best laugh I have ever heard. One of his favorite games to play with me is to get me on the floor and then push me down. Then he crawls all over me and eventually sits on my face. He has fun with it, I do not. And if you haven't seen the "ghost crawler" video on this blog, you need to. Because another favorite game is to cover his head with his blanket and crawl around the house. He runs into furniture, which does not deter him. He backs up and keeps going. We're not sure what the blind crawling is all about - we will probably never know. Maybe he's doing empathy exercises for the visually impaired.
Right now we are trying to teach Oliver to feed himself with a spoon. He does ok if we hand him a spoon full of food. But if he tries to put the food on the spoon himself it's a complete mess. Typcial I know. But I cringe everytime the oatmeal lands on the floor or in his ear. Again, he has fun with it, I do not. But I am working on my patience. Anth says I have a long way to go.
Other fun facts about Oliver:
- he has almost 8 teeth
- he's a regular pooper (its important information that we talk about daily)
- he LOVES books about animals
- he makes a great lion growl
- he loves bath time
- he still likes to eat paper
- his first clap came during the Republican National Convention last fall - but he seems ok with Obama, phew
- he doesn't like veggies but loves all fruits
- he dances alot and laughs when I dance with him
- he loves his dad
- he has beautiful blue eyes - like his dad
- he brushes his own teeth
- sneezes make him smile, especially if you say 'achoo' afterward
- his feet sweat - my DNA at work
- he still sleeps with his blanket over his head
- he eats constantly - again, my DNA at work
- he loves to be outside even when it's 10 degrees
That's about it for now. I'll try to do this more often.